Yarn Along


I’m plugging away at my Harvest Cardigan whilst reading up on Canada’s shameful lack of history. I’ll be finished just as the weather warms up and the wearing of it will have to wait until the fall!

Linking up today with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along. Yes, knitting and reading are two of my favourite things too.

Yarn Along


I’m hoping that some relaxing knitting will keep me from stressing out about the info that I read in Slow Death by Rubber Duck. We are pretty conscious about what products we use in our home, but chemicals are everywhere. Our couches, carpets and mattresses are macerated in the stuff! Time to pull out the Keep Calm and Carry On mug and form a plan of attack for reducing the toxic bearing furniture in our home over the next year.

The free pattern for the Harvest Cardigan can be found here. I’m loving the Tin Can Knit patterns right now. So wearable! I want to make the Lush Cardigan, the Snowflake Sweater, and the Rosewater Beret.

Linking up today with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along. Yes, knitting and reading are two of my favourite things too.

Yarn Along


I finished my Age of Brass and Steam Shawl! Once I had figured out that I was missing a yarn over in the eyelet row things went a lot quicker. My next project is a pair of child sized Bulky Yarn Booties. It is a quick knit to keep ever growing feet cozy. With this extreme winter, boy do we need woolies to keep our feet warm.

My latest read is yet another Kate Morton book. There is a comforting familiarity about her books that make them a perfect read for this tired mommy. Yes, thrush is still rearing it’s ugly head, but after a tear filled internet search for remedies I think we are beating it. I was not being aggressive enough with the treatment and poor little Nell was so sad and uncomfortable. Happier times so far today.

Linking up today with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along. Yes, knitting and reading are two of my favourite things too!

Yarn Along


Working on what should be an easy to knit shawl, but for some reason I keep getting the wrong stitch count. I blame the lack of sleep. Once Nell and I have kicked this thrush infection I anticipate getting more rest. Thrush seems to be something that plagues me with my newborn babies no matter what preventative measures I take. I’m ramping up my kefir and coconut consumption which seems to be helping.

I have been reading a lot of Tracy Chevalier books lately, including her latest. A comfy chair, nursing baby and a good book? Oh joy! Trying to drink in and savour these fleeting moments.

Age of Brass and Steam pattern found here on Ravelry.

Linking up today with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along. Yes, knitting and reading are two of my favourite things too!

Yarn Along


A nice mindless piece to work on while I wait for baby to arrive. Any day now! The pattern for the Pillar Lace Cowl can be found here on Ravelry.

Linking up today with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along. Yes, knitting and reading are two of my favourite things too!